YuMi Group Photo

Who, what or why YuMi?

So there we were, with a concept for a band. We held lots of auditions and got a group together, even held a few rehearsals. Now, what do you call a band that's pop but not the same pop. Lounge, jazz, disco, rock, you name it...but we couldn't.

We went through hundreds of names. We each submitted ideas, we looked at random name generators online, we tried what seemed like every conceivable combination, but nothing really fit. Names that seemed possible were already in use by other bands.

Then one day, in utter frustration at no agreement from the compiled "list" and the multiphased voting scheme, Ron said, "We may as well just be 'you, me and the other guys'." The lightbulb flickered, then stayed lit. Just to give it a twist, it seems like everyone came up with the idea of spelling it YuMi at the same time, and having the You and Me make sense referring to our two lead singers.

To top it off, it turns out Robert's got a relative named Yumi.

So away we go...